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Musicians Guide
Load-in / Sound Checks begin at 10:30am contact Jay for details.
Please arrive to the stage 1 hour before your start time.
Please arrive 30mins before the Grand Jam Start at 10:30p.
Please bring your Guitar Amps for the facilitation of the Grand Jam.
You may bring all of your gear any time after 10am on 8/14.
It will be secure and kept backstage or on-stage and weather protected until we're are ready to line you in.
Each set is 90 mins
There is a 30 min break between most sets.
However, bring anything special to support your set, if you like.
Drummers may bring - Snare, Cymbals, & Beater
If you wish, bring -Keyboards, Bass Head
Let’s Work Together
Don't be the last one to cross the street.
If your having any problems or question, contact us -
The festival has backline drums, bass rig, two Fender amps, Nord keys.
Drummers may bring - Snare, Cymbals, & Beater
If you wish, bring -Keyboards, Bass Head
There are six monitor mixes, Phantom power, 2 direct boxes.
However, bring anything to support your set, if you like.
Stage Manger - Jaysonsnow49@yahoo.com +1 (406) 334-7570
The festival has backline drums, bass rig, two fender amps, nord keys.
There are six monitor mixes, Phantom power, 2 direct boxes.